Stability of Ester Sulfates in Heparin to Solvolysis and Dilute Acid Treatment1

The stability of ester sulfates in porcine intestinal heparin to solvolytic desulfation (100°C, 9 h) with dimethylsulfoxide containing 2% pyridine was examined, in comparison with the case of dilute acid treatment (0.1 M HCl, 100°C, 70 min). The resulting heparin modifications were deaminated and the deamination products were fractionated by the procedures reported previously ((1978) J. Biochem. 83, 1567–1575). The yields of disulfated disaccharide (b-2) and monosulfated disaccharides (e-2–1 and e-2–3) indicated that 2-O-sulfates in L-iduronic acid residues of heparin were more labile than 6-O-sulfates in glucosamine residues to the dilute acid treatment, whereas the opposite was the case for the solvolysis. The product of heparin modification by solvolysis was similar to whale heparin in the distribution of ester sulfates.