The isolation usually encountered in optics between the part of a field that is of interest and its source motivates the consideration of a radiation mode weakly coupled to a quantum-mechanical source. After the introduction of some refinements into the quantum mechanics of a damped radiation mode, the field is expressed as the sum of two parts, one due to the source (the source field) and the other due to the loss mechanism (the "vacuum" field). The characteristic function for the field is calculated up to second order in perturbation theory. This function is then compared with the characteristic function for the field in the presence of a classical source. A method is exhibited by which a classical source can be found such that the two characteristic functions are identical when averaged over a half cycle. In particular, the two sources yield the same expectation values for the instantaneous amplitude and energy of the field. The description of the equivalent classical source must be given in statistical terms, in general, and requires only a knowledge of S(0)(t) and S(0)(t1)S(0)(t2), where S(0) is the dipole-moment operator of the quantum-mechanical source unperturbed by the mode under consideration (but otherwise arbitrarily complex, with the possibility of strong coupling to other modes). The theory is illustrated by a consideration of several simple sources—a two-level system, a harmonic oscillator, and a blackbody—for which equivalent classical sources are found. The two-time correlation functions for the field obtained with the two types of sources are compared and are shown to be the same up to first order in ξτ, where τ is the difference between the two times and ξ is the inverse of the field relaxation time; the physical meaning of the second-order difference in the correlation functions is discussed. A limiting process, in which both the coupling to the source and the damping become small, is suggested as a method of adapting the results to free fields, but it is pointed out that for discussion of a single mode, a free field is physically less satisfactory than a damped field. It is concluded that, within a reasonable approximation scheme, the source field may be described classically (the "vacuum" field furnishing all the necessary quantum-mechanical properties of the total field).