Small-Angle Charge-Exchange Scattering ofHe+by He, Ne, and Kr at Energies between 1.00 and 3.00 keV

The scattering of He+ by He, Ne, and Kr is studied in the energy range 1.00-3.00 keV and in an angular region from 0° to about 3°. These studies yield information on the probability of charge exchange P0 as a function of beam energy and scattering angle. For the He+ + He case, the positions of the maxima and minima of P0 generally agree with those of previous experiments. A wider range of P0 values is obtained, however, and the current results lend more credence to a two-state resonant-charge-exchange theory for the He+ + He collision. In the He+ + Ne collision, the charge-exchange differential cross section is found to increase with increasing energy, while the non-charge-exchange differential cross section decreases. An unexpected result of the current studies on Ne is that the positions of the maxima and minima of the scattered neutral He (and of P0) are independent of energy. These results are not consistent with a curve-crossing model for the charge-exchange process, which predicts an angular structure dependent on energy. Studies of the He+ + Kr collision show a broad forward He peak with no pronounced structure in the energy and angular region investigated.