The form factors for the Kl5 decay (Kπππlνl) are derived through the use of the algebra of currents and the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current. In obtaining the results, two different methods were used: the single-soft-pion method, in which the momentum of only one pion at a time is set equal to zero, and the multi-soft-pion method, in which all pions in the matrix element are taken off the mass shell simultaneously. The results obtained by the two methods are consistent one with the other; the existence of a pole in the form factors in the limit of two soft pions indicates, however, that the matrix element obtained in the limit of three soft pions is not a valid approximation to the matrix element in the physical region. The Kπ and ππ scattering amplitudes and the transformation properties and matrix elements of the σ field are also discussed, since they are intimately connected with the derivation of the Ke5 form factors. The rates obtained for the four possible Ke5 decay modes were found to be ∼103-104 sec1.