Vector-meson dominance calcculations for thev¯anomaly and dimuon production

We test quantitatively the hypothesis that the Fermilab anomaly in inclusive v¯Nμ+X distributions comes from charm production via intermediate vector (V) and axial-vector (A) charmed mesons. Theoretical predictions from this mechanism are integrated over the experimental v and v¯ spectra, including a scaling background calculated from the parton model. This mechanism can approximately account for the high-y v¯N data with an effective charm production threshold Wth=4 GeV and F*N total cross sections of order 10 mb. Better agreement is secured with a higher threshold Wth=6 GeV and higher charmed meson-nucleon cross sections. Unsuppressed weak current couplings to charmed D* mesons could enhance the vector-meson-dominance effect. The v and p distributions of the fast μ in the dimuon events are consistent with this F* vector-dominance contribution.