For the present study about 300 specimens have been examined. These specimens belong to the six species of chars: C. namaycush, S. fontinalis, S. aureolus, S. oquassa, S. marstoni, and S. alpinus. Among meristic characters, the number of pyloric caeca was found to be very important. Body proportions and meristic characters, such as fin rays and vertebrae, are inadequate to properly describe a species. On the other hand, the skull bones, different teeth, and skeleton of the tail are sufficient in themselves to define a species. The pearl organs were found only in C. namaycush of both sexes. The taxonomic relation between species is as follows: C. namaycush belongs to a distinct genus; S. fontinalis represents a subgenus Baione; while the remaining chars are grouped in a subgenus Salvelinus.