Extensive exptl. work in animals and in clinics has proved conclusively the antagonism between vit. A and the thyroid hormone, as well as the great value of vit. A in the treatment of human hyperthyroidism. Two cases of hyperthyroidism cured by massive doses of vit. A (200,000 to 400,000 I.U. daily) were presented. One case of menopausal exophthalmic goiter of moderate toxicity, treated 14 wks.; one case of hyperthyroidism with severe toxicity, treated 51 wks. There has been no recrudescence of hyperthyroidism in follow-ups of 30 and 12 mos. respectively. The thyroid gland enlarge- ment regressed within 3 wks. and disappeared within 14 wks. The slight exophthalmos which was present in 1 case disappeared completely under treatment. Vit. A acts very much like I in producing a rapid decrease in the BMR, increase in the blood cholesterol and marked amelioration of symptoms, but a slower decrease of pulse rate and increase in wt. The mechanism by which vit. A is effective in the treatment of hyperthyroidism is still a matter for speculation. Vit. A is innocuous even in doses of 400,000 I.U. daily over periods ranging Up to 51 wks.