Wild animals shot in tsetse areas of Shinyanga (Glossina swynnertoni and G. pallidipes) and Ukerewe peninsula (C. swynnertoni) have been examined for trypanosomes. The results of examining a number of individuals from twenty-two animals are given in Table I. A total of 22·2 per cent. of all the animals examined showed trypanosomes in their bloods; of these 0·7 per cent. showed T. brucei, 20 per cent. T. congolense and 3·7 per cent. T. vivax. A few animals showed mixed infections. Of forty-five impala examined 20 per cent. were infected; of twenty-one giraffe examined 47·6 per cent. showed infection, and of nineteen wart-hog 15·8 per cent. were infected. Tables II and III give figures that suggest that the young animals show a higher per cent. infection than the adults, and that a higher per cent. infection is found during the rains. These figures, however, are insufficient for statistical treatment, and therefore must be taken with reserve.