Mice were injected with aqueous solns. of Na 1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene-9,10-endo-[alpha][beta]-succinate. Groups of mice were killed at various dose-levels and the total Fe in 4 lymph glands from each animal was estimated colorimetri-cally after wet-ashing. For comparison the total Fe in the lymph glands of normal uninjected mice was also detd. 7 wks. after the 1st inj. of the carcinogenic compound the total Fe in the glands had risen to 3 times the normal ami.; at 12 wks. the Fe content was 4 times, and at 20 wks. 5 times the normal value. The relation of dose to Fe deposition is that of a normal drug action. Evidence for the lability of the additional Fe was obtained.