Experimental upper limits on branching fractions for unexpected decay modes of theτlepton

Searches for 12 neutrinoless decay modes of the τ which violate lepton-number conservation have been made using the reaction e+eτ+τ. No evidence for lepton-number violation is observed, and we have set upper limits (90% C.L.) on the branching ratio for each decay mode. The branching-ratio limits on the radiative decays τμγ and τeγ are 0.055 and 0.064%, respectively. For the charged lepton decays τeee, τeμμ, τμee, and τμμμ, the branching ratio limits are 0.040, 0.033, 0.044, and 0.049%, respectively. Upper limits on the branching ratios for the following charged lepton + neutral hadron decays are τeρ0 (0.037%), τμρ0 (0.044%), τeK0 (0.13%), τμK0 (0.10%), τeπ0 (0.21%), and τμπ0 (0.082%). We also use these data to search for the pair production in e+e annihilation of some unconventional particles with masses less than about 3 GeV/c2.