The intestinal absorption of (14C)oleoyl moieties in triglyceride and phospholipid was investigated by means of (14C)phosphatidylcholine and (14C)triolein breath tests. In patients who had undergone ileal resection the absorption of both phosphatidylcholine and triglyceride was subnormal, as reflected by a lower production of 14CO2. In healthy subjects the production of expiratory 14CO2 after oral administration of (14C)phosphatidylcholine was slightly higher than after administration of (14C)triolein. This was also observed in the patient group, indicating that the absorption of both triglyceride and phospholipid was decreased to similar extents, although triglyceride absorption tended to be more affected after major ileal resection. In patients with lipid malabsorption the proportion of linoleic acid in serum phosphatidylcholine was subnormal, and the decrease was correlated to the decrease in lipid absorption. The concentration in serum of selenium, α-tocopherol, and carotene but not of ascorbic acid and retinol was subnormal after ileal resection.