Electron Capture Decay ofLu173to Levels inYb173

The electron capture of Lu173 (1.30 yr) to levels in Yb173 has been investigated using scintillation spectrometers and permanent magnet spectrographs. Levels in Yb173 were observed at 78.7 (72), 179.5 (92), 351.2 (72+), and 636.8 (72) kev. The first two excited states may be interpreted as members of a rotational band based on theg round state [(512) 52]. The levels at 351 and 637 kev are probably the intrinsic levels [(633) 72+] and [(514) 72], respectively, predicted by Nilsson. L electron capture was observed to be the primary mode of population of the 637-kev level. Relative reduced transition probabilities were obtained for all transitions to the ground-state rotational band, and comparisons with theoretical branching ratios were made. Log(ft) values were estimated from the observed K-capture branching ratios.