A Combined Silver and Acetylcholinesterase Method for Staining Intramuscular Innervation

A combined acetylcholinesterase and silver stain for demonstrating the intramuscular innervation of fresh frozen tissue is described. Intramuscular nerves, subterminal axons, and motor end plates are simultaneously stained brown or black with minimal staining of connective tissue and muscle fibers in longitudinal sections 30-100 μ thick. The method has been applied to fetal and adult rat, porcine, and bovine skeletal muscle. Antemortem and postmortem tissue samples stained equally well. The method facilitates simultaneous appreciation of morphological alterations in nervous and muscular tissues; in clinical and research laboratories alike it is of value when muscle abnormalities which may be dated to disorders of nervous origin are studied. Compared with other published procedures this method has shorter time requirements, uses fresh frozen tissue, and displays superior staining characteristics.