Upper and lower bounds on the partition functions for finite systems of N rigid disks and N rigid spheres are obtained for the high‐density limit. The lower bounds are also valid in the thermodynamic limit of N→∞ and at all densities. Consider the following asymptotic form for the specific Helmholtz free energy for a classical mechanical system of N ν‐dimensional (ν=2 or 3) hard spheres confined in a volume V in the limit V→V0 (the close‐packed volume), AN/NkBT≅νln(Λ/σ)−νln[1−(V0/V)]+Cν(N), where Λ is the de Broglie wavelength and σ the sphere diameter. The lower bounds obtained for Cν(N) are C2(N) > −0.7576··· and C3(N) > −0.05074···. Two upper bounds found for C2 are C2<1.530··· and C2<1.289···. An upper bound for C3 is 3.6423···.

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