The effect of noradrenaline, injected into the hypothalamus, on thermoregulation in the cat.

1. Noradrenaline (NA) was microinjected into the anterior hypothalamic/preoptic area(AH/POA) of unanaesthetized cats held at ambient temperatures of 10, 22 or 35 degrees C. Loci in which injection of NA caused body temperature changes were also found to be sensitive to the febrile action of PGE1. 2. At all ambient temperatures, NA caused a dose‐dependent fall in body temperature. However the mechanisms by which these temperature changes were brought about varied at different ambient temperatures. In cats maintained at the higher ambient temperature, NA activated heat loss mechanisms whereas in the cats maintained in the 10degrees C environment, the major effect of NA injection was an inhibition of heat conservation and heat production mechanisms. 3. We conclude that NA acts in cats not only as an inhibitor of heat conservation and production, but also acts in an excitatory manner on an active heat loss pathway within the AH/POA.