Early stages of Purkinje cell maturation demonstrated by Thy-1 immunohistochemistry on postnatal rat cerebellum

The cell surface glycoprotein, Thy-1, is present on Purkinje cells at birth, so allowing Thy-1 immunohistochemistry to demonstrate the final stage of migration and the transition to dendritic growth of these cells. In the most caudal lobule of the cerebellar cortex of the newborn rat, migrating Purkinje cells are found. These have a prominent process (up to 50 μm long) from which fine filopodia project, presumably sensing the environment in front of the cell. These cells are orientated tangentially, at right angles to the radial orientation they assume for dendritic growth. Strong Thy-1 labelling is found not only on their surface, but also on a cytoplasmic cap above the presumed leading pole of the nucleus. More rostrally in the cerebellar cortex, Purkinje cells arrive up to 3 days before birth and are quiescent until the postnatal development of their dendritic tree. At birth and during early postnatal periods a rounded cell is found with little cytoplasm; Thy-1 staining labels its surface and the fine processes which emanate from it. Such cells coexist with other Thy-1-positive Purkinje cells with more developed surface orientated processes. Even as early as the day of birth these fine processes cross the molecular layer and contact the lower level of the external granule layer. Orientated dendritic growth appears to occur by a selective thickening of these processes and a massive apical protrusion of intensely Thy-1-positive cytoplasm. The whole of the Purkinje cell surface membrane exhibits high levels of Thy-1 throughout dendritic growth and synaptogenesis, and cytoplasmic antigen is prominent during the period of greatest growth. Thy-1 is also found on the neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei, and is seen transiently on Golgi interneurons. High levels of the antigen are present on blood vessels and choroid plexus at birth but are lost from these structures over the first 2 postnatal weeks.

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