Tuberculin Reaction. III. Transfer of Systemic Tuberculin Sensitivity with Cells of Tuberculous Guinea Pigs.

Homologous passive transfer of systemic tuberculin sensitivity has been accomplished with living cells of paraffin-oil-induced peritoneal exudates of tuberculous donors. Recipients challenged by the intraperit. injn. of O.T. 48 hrs. after receiving the donor cells developed typical delayed systemic tuberculin shock, and in most instances died in 21-50 hrs. Controls consisted of recipients given intraperit. injns. of comparable quantities of cells from (1) normal donors, (2) donors sensitized with living Mycobacterium smegmatis, (3) donors previously injd. intraperit. with powdered quartz, (4) tuberculous donors desensitized by repeated subcut. injn. of increasing doses of O.T. These controls were challenged with O.T. Additional control animals were given cells of tuberculous donors and challenged with diluted glycerine broth. With the exception of one of the control animals of group 4, which developed mild symptoms of tuberculin shock, the control animals remained asymptomatic. The results indicate that desensitization of tuberculous donor animals tends to suppress the capacity of their peritoneal cells passively to transfer tuberculin sensitivity.

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