Trace anomalies and the Hawking effect

The general spherically symmetric, static solution of νTμν = 0 in the exterior Schwarzschild metric is expressed in terms of two integration constants and two arbitrary functions, one of which is the trace of Tμν. One constant is the magnitude of Ttr at infinity, and the other is determined if the physically normalized components of Tμν are finite on the future horizon. The trace of the stress tensor of a conformally invariant quantum field theory may be nonzero (anomalous), but must be proportional (here) to the Weyl scalar, 48M2r6; we fix the coefficient for the scalar field by indirect arguments to be (2880π2)1. In the two-dimensional analog, the magnitude of the Hawking blackbody effect at infinity is directly proportional to the magnitude of the anomalous trace (a multiple of the curvature scalar); a knowledge of either number completely determines the stress tensor outside a body in the final state of collapse. In four dimensions, one obtains instead a relation constraining the remaining undetermined function, which we choose as TθθTαα4. This, plus additional physical and mathematical considerations, leads us to a fairly definite, physically convincing qualitative picture of Tμν. Groundwork is laid for explicit calculations of Tμν.

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