Experimental determinations of universal amplitude combination for binary fluids. II. Dynamics

We have considered for binary fluids the universal dynamic amplitude ratio R which connects the typical frequency Γ of the order-parameter fluctuations to the viscosity η¯ and to the correlation length ξ. We have analyzed the mode-coupling (MC) approach and the renormalization-group (RG) theory. The mode-coupling approach accounts for background terms in both η¯ and Γ, whereas RG includes corrections to scaling in the transport coefficients with an effective exponent Δ¯0.7. We emphasize that the two approaches are similar in formulation, the correction terms from MC showing a leading exponent ν=0.63, close to Δ¯. The correction amplitudes aΓ (linewidth) and aη¯ (viscosity) are essentially positive in the MC approach. Moreover, we claim that their ratio should be universal if we assume the Bhattacharjee-Ferrell crossover viscosity function: aη¯aΓ=2xη¯, with xη¯0.06, the critical viscosity exponent. We also define an amplitude factor R̃(q,t), the asymptotic value of which is R. It allows the corrections to scaling, in the framework of the RG theory, to be taken into account. New viscosity measurements have been made with the isobutyric acid-water (I-W) and triethylamine-water (T-W) systems. New Rayleigh linewidth measurements have been performed in the T-W mixture. Analyses of the viscosity data in I-W, T-W, nitrobenzene-n-hexane (N-H), nitroethane-3-methylpentane (N-M), and chlorex-n-dodecane (C-D) systems have led us to introduce correction terms for the I-W and T-W systems, with an experimental exponent ≃0.7. I-W corrections have been found negative. The linewidth data, analyzed in the N-H, I-W, C-D, N-M, and T-W systems, show that corrections are present in R̃ for the N-M and T-W mixtures, with exponent ~ 0.7. T-W corrections have been found to be negative, when using negative statics corrections. Finally, the asymptotic values of R were found in the range 1.00-1.14, with a mean uncertainty of 7%. They are in agreement with both the recent MC (1.027) and RG (1.038) expectations.