We estimate the initial rapidity distribution and the initial energy density in the central rapidity region of relativistic heavy-ion collisions by using a multiple-collision model and the nuclear-thickness function of Glauber. The parameter of the rapidity distribution is determined from the experimental multiplicity data of pα, dd, αα, pA, π+A, K+A, Si+Ag, and Ca+C reactions. We find that the initial energy density in the central rapidity region is high. For example, for the head-on collision of U238 on U238 at 30 GeV per nucleon in the center-of-mass system, the maximum energy density is about 10 GeV/fm3, which may exceed the critical energy density for a phase transition from a confined hadron matter to an unconfined quark-gluon plasma. The initial energy density goes as A13B13 for the collision of two nuclei with mass numbers A and B, and is rather insensitive to impact parameters.