Description of diatomic molecules using one electron configuration energies with two-body interactions

It has recently been shown that the vibrational potential energy for a diatomic molecule α‐β may be written exactly in the form (i) W(R) = Wβ(R)+WNPF(R), where Wβ(R) is the electrostatic interaction energy between nucleus α and the free atom β and WNPF(R) is the electrostatic interaction energy between nucleus α and the ``Non‐Perfectly‐Following'' electronic charge density redistributions arising when atoms α and β form the molecule α‐β with the internuclear distance R. In this paper it is shown that WNPF(R) may be approximated, within a constant near equilibrium, by the extended Hückel configuration energy, taken as a simple sum of orbital energies, WEH(R), yielding an approximate molecular energy W*(R) according to the formula (ii) W*(R) = Wβ+WEH(R). Comparisons are made between W*(R) and the experimental W(R) for first and second period diatomic molecules. Equation (ii) overcomes the deficiency present when either Wβ(R) or WEH(R) alone is used to estimate equilibrium internuclear distances, although equilibrium force constants may be derived from Wβ(R) if the equilibrium distances are known.

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