Endothermic Deuteron Stripping Reactions. II.C12(d, p3γ)C13*Reaction

The total cross section of the C12(d, p3)C13 reaction (Q=1.13 Mev) to the third excited state of C13 at 3.85 Mev was measured for deuteron energies between 1.7 and 3.1 Mev. The cross section was obtained from the yield of the 170-kev γ ray corresponding to the electric-dipole transition between the 52+, C13 3.85-Mev level and the 32, C13 3.68-Mev level. The angular distribution of the 170-kev γ ray relative to the deuteron beam was investigated for the same deuteron energy region by measuring yields at 0° and 90° to the beam. The measured anisotropy is compared to the predictions of plane-wave and distorted-wave stripping. The γ-ray anisotropy for deuteron energies between 1.7 and 2.4 Mev is in good agreement with the predictions of plane-wave stripping. Seven compound nucleus resonances corresponding to known N14 energy levels were observed between deuteron energies of 2.4 and 3.2 Mev. The Breit-Wigner single-level formula is used to extract resonance parameters for these levels.