Heavy Metals in Some New Zealand Bryophytes

Cd, Cu, Pb, Ag and Zn were determined in bryophytes [Porella elegantula, Cyrtopus setosus, Hypmum cupressiforme, Camptochaeta ramulosa, Weymouthia cochlearifolia, Acanthocladium extenuatum, Leucobryum candidum, Fissidens rigidulus] from 2 mining areas in New Zealand. Background concentrations of all, except Cu in H. cupressiforme Hedw., were lower than in the lowest background values obtained for Swedish specimens of this species. Near the dusty treatment plant at Te Arhoha, all bryophytes had high metal concentrations when compared with the substrate, which indicated foliar uptake of airborne contaminants when compared with uptake by bryophytes in mineralized areas due presumably to passive ion-exchange at the rhizoid-soil interface. Uptake of Ag near a treatment plant at Maratoto and uptake of heavy metals by the aquatic bryophyte F. rigidulus Hook. f. et. Wils were also investigated.