Lactic Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in Human Cancer Cells and Malignant Effusions

Lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme activity was investigated in seven human tumors and the corresponding tissues of origin by an adsorption-elution technique on Sephadex-DEAE®. Independent of the isoenzyme pattern of the tissue of origin, all malignant tissue samples showed an absolute and relative increase in the electrophoretically slow migrating fractions (y-isoenzymes). Isoenzyme distribution in cancer tissues approaches a uniform type with high total and high y-lactic dehydrogenase. Electrophoretic migration of benign and malignant effusions was investigated by agar gel electrophoresis and tétrazolium staining of lactic dehydrogenase. Relative electrophoretic migration was identical in sera of benign and malignant effusions in spite of the increase of the electrophoretically slow migrating isoenzymes. Exsudates of malignant