K-shell Auger-electron production cross sections from ion bombardment

We have measured the Ne K-shell electron spectra from a Ne gas target bombarded by 0.5-10 MeV H+ and 14-21 MeV N, 24-35 MeV O, 3-35 MeV F, and 40 and 50 MeV Cl in various incident ionic charge states. The F K-shell Auger-electron spectra have been measured for F-ion collisions with Ne gas from 3 to 15 MeV. Auger-electron production cross sections are deduced. H+ induced Ne K-shell Auger-electron production cross sections are compared to various theoretical Coulomb ionization predictions. The heavy-ion-induced Ne K-shell Auger-electron production cross sections increase with increasing projectile charge state at constant projectile energy. The F and Ne K-shell Auger-electron production cross sections from 3 to 15 MeV are favorably compared to calculations based on the molecular-orbital model.