UNUSUAL NEOPLASMS OF THE ESOPHAGUS: Review of Literature and Report of a Case

CARCINOMAS are the only common neoplasms of the esophagus, and the majority of these are epidermoid in type. A much smaller percentage are definitely glandular, and occasional tumors of basal cell or mixed type are reported. Vinson1 reports that esophageal carcinoma is usually of highly malignant epidermoid type, and that the majority of the tumors fall into Groups III and IV of Broder. He does not mention basal cell neoplasms as arising in the esophagus. Thomson and Negus2 report that "occasionally" basal cell lesions, resembling rodent ulcer, are seen. Willis3 states, in relation to esophageal neoplasms, "Tumors of basal cell origin are said to occur but I have never seen an example." In a series of 671 cases with esophageal neoplasms, Jackson4 reported two basal cell lesions and two mixed tumors. In the "Color Atlas of Pathology,"5 published by the United States Naval Medical School,