Dyschondroplasia and Hemangiomata (Maffucci's Syndrome). II

In 1955, I described two patients with Maffucci's syndrome and an infant with lesions suggesting the same diagnosis. I surveyed most of the cases reported up to that time since the classic modern description of the syndrome in 1942 by Carleton, Elkinton, Greenfield, and Robb-Smith. My purpose now is to record another case, report current observations on the two surviving patients described in 1955, discuss additional reports, some of which I overlooked in my earlier paper, and consider briefly some related syndromes. This rare disease is evoking much interest among internists, orthopedic surgeons and dermatologists. It would appear that Maffucci's original paper has been inaccessible to most contemporary writers on this syndrome, and even his name is spelled with casual indifference. Recently I have obtained from what was the old Surgeon-General's Library a photostat of the original report by Angelo Maffucci from the Institute of Pathological Anatomy at the University