Treatment of Trichinosis

The management of the patient with trichinosis has, in the past, been entirely symptomatic. No drug could kill theTrichinella spiralisworm once it had invaded the blood stream or muscles of the body. Adrenal cortical steroids were found to reduce the severity of the symptoms1and have been widely used, especially in cases with myocarditis or encephalitis.2In 1936, a total of 46% of patients with neurologic symptoms died of their illness, while in 1960, only 8% succumbed. The use of corticotropin (ACTH) or steroids probably helps account for this decrease in mortality. Intelligent use of supportive measures, such as electrolyte balance and assisted respiration, is also a factor.3However, aside from the antiinflammatory action of steroids, one wonders about their beneficial effect, for they may permit the reproducing worm to live longer and to spew out an increased number of circulating and encysting larvae. Kagan