Hefting for a maximum distance throw: A smart perceptual mechanism.

Objects for throwing to a maximum distance were selected by hefting objects varying in size and weight. Preferred weights increased with size reproducing size-weight illusion scaling between weight and volume. In maximum distance throws, preferred objects were thrown the farthest. Throwing was related to hefting as a smart perceptual mechanism. Two strategies for conveying high kinetic energy to projectiles were investigated by studying the kinematics of hefting light, preferred, and heavy objects. Changes in tendon lengths occurring when objects of varying size were grasped corresponded to changes in stiffness at the wrist. Hefting with preferred objects produced an invariant phase between the wrist and elbow. This result corresponded to an optimal relation at peak kinetic energy for the hefting. A paradigm for the study of perceptual properties was compared to size-weight illusion methodology.