Effects ascribed to localization, modified by spin-orbit scattering, and the electron-electron interaction are observed in the resistivity, magnetoresistivity, and Hall coefficient of disordered bismuth films. The behavior of the thinnest film (300 Å) fits the theory for a two-dimensional (2D) conductor, and the differences in the magnetoresistances for H parallel and perpendicular to I are fitted to spin-orbit-modified localization theory. The thicker films (greater than or equal to 750 Å) behave like three-dimensional (3D) conductors with no major differences in the parallel and perpendicular magnetoresistivities. In addition to the predicted electron-electron interaction magnetoresistivity, a nonclassical, proportional to H2, magnetoresistivity is observed in the thickest films (greater than or equal to 4000 Å). The Hall coefficient is observed to change with temperature, at a rate faster than either the resistivity or magnetoresistivity. The relative rates of change depend upon whether the film is 2D or 3D and whether it is doped with tellurium or not.