Masses and Half-Lives ofNa20,Al24,P28,Cl32, andK36from the (p,n) Reaction

The (p,n) thresholds for the formation of Na20, P28, Cl32, and K36 from targets of Ne20, Si28, S32, and Ar36, respectively, have been measured relative to the Mg24(p,n)Al24 threshold by detecting β rays from these short-lived activities. Half-lives were determined by multiscaling techniques. The resulting (p,n) thresholds (in keV), half-lives (in msec) are as follows: Na20 (15419±6, 442±5); P28 (15 666±6, 266±4); Cl32 (13 902±9 and 13 978±16, 281±8); K36 (13 976±8, 336±4). The half-life of Al24 was measured as 2.054±0.009 sec.