Somatostatin Blocks Ca2+Action Potential Activity in Prolactin-Secreting Pituitary Tumor Cells through Coordinate Actions on K+ and Ca2+Conductances*

The hypothalamic peptide somatostatin (SRIF) suppresses secretory activity in phenotypically distinct pituitary endocrine cells. We have used tight-seal whole-cell recording techniques to study the peptide''s effects on the electrical properties of tumor pituitary cells derived from rat (GH3/B6) and human adenomas that secrete human PRL in a SRIF-sensitive manner. Both cell types exhibited qualitatively similar electrophysiological properties and electrical responses to SRIF. Under the experimental conditions employed the majority of cells spontaneously generated Ca2+-dependent actions potentials. The actions of the peptide on cellular excitability were markedly affected by the presence of horse and fetal calf sera. Without these additives the electrical responses faded and could not be studied in detail. Therefore, recordings were conducted in media containing sera. In the presence of sera almost all cells spontaneously generated Ca2+ action potentials, and peptide-induced changes in excitability were well preserved. SRIF depressed spontaneous and evoked action potential activity in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations that reduced intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) and suppressed basal PRL release. Current and voltage clamp experiments revealed coordinate actions of the peptide on excitable membrane properties. SRIF (1 nM) enhanced a depolarization-activated rapidly inactivating outward K+ current, thereby effectively reducing the rate at which action potentials occurred. Over the 10-1000 nM range SRIF slowly activated a virtually noninactivating K+ conductance over a wide range of membrane potential. This effectively hyperpolarized cells away from the threshold for triggering Ca2+-dependent action potentials and shunted the membrane. The peptide-induced K+ conductance activated at the level of the resting potential was progressively lost during the intracellular dialysis of whole-cell recording. Dilute aqueous lysates of cells included in the patch pipette prevented much of the rundown of this SRIF-induced electrical response while inclusion of an ATP-regenerating system preserved some of the peptide action. Over the 10-100 nM concentration range SRIF also reduced voltage-dependent Ca2+ current. Furthermore, pretreatment of cells with pertussis toxin abolished SRIF action on cellular excitability, suggesting that SRIF can regulate the function of ionic channels through GTP-binding proteins (G proteins). The results demonstrate that SRIF acts coordinately on the primary conductances expressed in tumor PRL cells to attenuate or block Ca2+ action potential generation and thus Ca2+ entry from extracellular sources. These effects at the membrane may be proximal to SRIF''s reduction in [Ca2+]i and subsequent control of PRL release.