Spontaneous rupture of the normal spleen or of the apparently normal spleen is a rare condition. A search of the literature reveals only eight cases. Of these, six may be considered authoritative and two doubtful. CASES FROM THE LITERATURE Shorten1 reported one case in 1919. Case 1. —A man, aged 43, entered the hospital with the complaint of vomiting and severe abdominal pain about the umbilicus. The onset was sudden, six hours previously. A year and a half before this time, he had been buried in the trenches after which he had developed severe abdominal pain and had been sent to the hospital for three months. The pain had not returned after his discharge. Other than this his previous health had been good. At the time of entrance, examination showed extreme abdominal pain and tenderness, no change in liver dulness, but signs of free fluid in the abdomen. At