Luteinizing hormone‐releasing hormone (LHRH) in rat olfactory systems

The luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) systems of rat olfactory bulbs and nasal areas were studied in neonatal and adult rats. Animals were perfused with Zamboni's fixative and olfactory bulbs with nasal olfactory areas intact were removed, postfixed, and decalcified. LHRH was immunohistochemically demonstrated in unembedded frozen or vibratome sections. Luteinizinghormone-releasinghormoneimmunoreactive elements were found along the course of the nervus terminalis (NT) and within both the main and accessory olfactory bulbs (MOB and AOB, respectively). Both LHRH neurons and fibers were present in the AOB, but only fibers were detected in the MOB. The fibers of the AOB were not confined to any particular lamina while fibers in the MOB were found mainly in the external plexi-form layer. LHRH fibers were found in the mucosa of the olfactory epithelium of the vomeronasal organ in both neonatal and adult rats. The NT probably serves as a source of LHRH fibers for both the AOB and the MOB and for fibers observed in the olfactory epithelium of the vomeronasal organ. Other likely sources of LHRH fibers in the olfactory bulb are discussed.