1. Oxynema crassispiculum (Sonsino, 1889) has been redescribed and shown to possess two spicules.2. The genus Numidica Barreto, 1919 has been shown to be synonymous with the genus Oxynema von Linstow, 1899.3. The genus Oxynema has been redefined and a synonymic list is given of the species that it now contains.4. Oxynema typicum Kreis, 1940 is considered to be a species incertae sedis.5. Baylisnumidica petrodromi (Baylis, 1934) has been redescribed and shown to belong to the genus Parasubulura Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938.6. The family Parasubuluridae is reduced to subfamily rank, and placed in the family Subuluridae.