Forward inclusive production spectrum ofKS,Λ0,Λ¯0, andnin the collision of 200-GeV/cπ−,K−,p¯, andpon Be

We have measured the forward production spectra of various neutral particles produced by π, K, p¯, and p at 200 GeV/c, and by π at 290 GeV/c incident on a Be target. The salient features of these measurements are (1) copious production of KSo at large Feynman xL for incident π and K, (2) production of roughly equal fluxes of Λ0 and Λ¯0 for incident π, and (3) close similarity of the following spectra: πn and KΛ0; πΛ0, πΛ¯0, and pKS0; πKS0 and pΛ0. The overall features of the various distributions seem to agree with the ideas of dimensional counting presented in the constituent-interchange model of quark collisions. Results are presented in terms of the invariant cross section Ed3σ(xL, PT=0)dp3 per Be nucleus for each inclusive reaction.