At Kentville, Nova Scotia, Araniella displicata (Hentz), Philodromus rufus Walckenaer, Philodromus cespiticolis Walckenaer, Paraphidippus marginatus (Walckenaer), and Metaphidippus protervus (Walckenaer) attained reproductive maturity in May and June. Eggs were laid in late June and early July. The young of A. displicata, P. rufus, and M. protervus began to appear in late July, while those of the remaining species began in early August. In A. displicata, P. rufus, P. cespiticolis, and P. marginatus there were two generations containing immature spiders at all times of the year, as indicated by frequency distributions of carapace width. It was concluded that these species are biennial in development. M. protervus, with only one generation containing immatures in any season, is annual.