Osteopathia Striata, Osteopetrosis, and Impaired Hearing: A Case Report

DISTURBANCE in the formation of bone at the site of the epiphyseal cartilage has been suggested as a cause of some unusual conditions of the bone. Among these conditions are osteopetrosis, osteopathia striata, and osteopoikilosis. The rarity of osteopathia striata warrants recording of the present case. To our knowledge, osteopathia striata combined with osteopetrosis has been recorded in the literature only once.1 Report of a Case This 26-year-old white woman was first examined on March 4, 1963. Diminution in hearing acuity in the left ear had been noted since childhood. There was no history of otalgia, infection, trauma, or vertigo. Otolaryngologic examination revealed a moderately severe bony atresia of the left external auditory meatus with a residual lumen of 1 to 2 mm diameter. A partial bony atresia was present in the right external auditory meatus. The nasal septum was deviated to the right. The nasopharynx, pharynx, and larynx