This paper presents a theoretical study which leads to formulas that relate the cross section for inelastic collisions near the threshold energy to the drift velocity vd of electrons in noble gases. Derivation of general formulas for vd follows a qualitative interpretation of the main features of the experimental drift-velocity curves. The formulas for vd are derived for the case in which the elastic cross section for momentum transfer is given by N0Qm(v)=avj1. Closed-form expressions for vd are obtained by integrating only over the distribution function for electrons that have energy less than the excitation energy u1. By this procedure, integration over the high-energy (u>u1) distribution function is avoided and the use of analytical methods is made possible. A partial correction to this approximation is obtained by extending the low-energy (u<u1) distribution function to pass through zero at an energy u0 that is greater than u1. From the drift-velocity formula and the experimental values of vd, the cutoff energy u0 can, in principle, be evaluated as a function of Ep. The high-energy distribution function is used to derive an expression for the overshoot (u0u1) which is shown to be proportional to (Ep)2(γ+2) and to depend upon the constants h and γ when the inelastic-collision cross section has the form Q1(u)=h(uu1)γ. Possible applications of these theoretical results to drift-velocity data for gas mixtures are also briefly discussed.