Speciation of iodine in soils

In order to analyze the behavior and phytoxicity of iodine in soil, the chemical forms of soil iodine must be identified. Therefore, a method for quantitative speciation of iodine in soil was proposed. Iodine extracted from soil samples with tetrametBPyIammonium hydroxide (TMAH) was separated into humic and fnalvic acid fractions at pH4 1.5 after the addition of ascorbic acid into the TMAH extract to reduce iodate into iodide. Since the iodide in the TMAH extract was recovered in the fdvic acid fraction by this procedure, iodine contained in the haamic acid fraction was considered to be organically bound. Podine in the fulvic acid fraction was separated into organic iodine bound to fnlvic acids and the total inorganic iodine. Furthermore, iodine soluble from soil in 0.1 mol L-1 potassium chloride was assumed to correspond to the amount of total iodide in soil, and from the difference in the concentration of total inorganic iodine and soluble iodide, the amount of iodate was calculated. By the app...