In 1928 a committee of three, Drs. Robert Legge, Lee Bonar and II. J. Templeton, was appointed to consider the problem of epidermomycosis at the University of California. In August, 1928, the feet of 3,105 freshman matriculants were examined1at the beginning and at the end of the fall gymnasium work by the same medical examiners. Fifty-one and five-tenths per cent of the men showed clinical evidence of ringworm of the feet, as did 15.3 per cent of the women. As all freshmen are required to take work in the gymnasium, the committee had an excellent opportunity to study the effect of exposure to gymnasium environment on the incidence of ringworm of the feet. Beginning the semester with an involvement of 51.5 per cent, as stated. 1,000 of the men at the end of the semester had an involvement of 78.6 per cent,an increase of 27 per