A Phase-Shift Analysis of the Scattering of Protons by Deuterons

Numerical values for the S-wave and P-wave phase shifts are deduced from the observed angular distribution of protons scattered by deuterons. The experimental results used are those obtained at Los Alamos in the energy range, 1.5 to 3.5 Mev. In reducing the results to phase shifts the theoretical work on neutron-deuteron scattering, as presented by Buckingham and Massey, was used as a guide. It is found that the pd phase shifts are qualitatively similar to the calculated nd phase shifts, for the case of exchange forces between nucleons, except that the doublet P-wave is much more strongly refracted in the pd results. The discrepancy may be evidence for a difference between the actual nuclear forces and the type of central, exchange forces assumed in the calculations. The results are definitely not similar to those for ordinary forces, however, and such forces would appear to be ruled out. Phase shifts in S- and P-waves alone are not sufficient to represent the pd results in the range of energies used, but it is necessary to include interference with D-waves.