The equations of hydrodynamics have been solved for the case of a viscosity dependence upon the distance r to a particle of radius a, suspended in a continuous fluid, as given by η/η(r)=1−εm(am/r)m . When |ε|<0.2, m⩾0 or ε⩾1, m>6 the omissions are less than 25% of the new terms. The force upon a spherical particle is given by 6πvηam[1+εm/(m+1)·(m2+4m+15)/(m+3)(m+5)] . The torque upon a spherical particle is 8πωηam3[1+εm·3/(m+3)] . The viscosity of a dilute suspension with 1 particle per sphere of radius R is η/η=1+εm(am/R)m 3/(3−m)+5/2(am/R)3·[1+εm3/(m−3)·(m3+5m2+47m−21)/(m+3)(m+5)(m+7)+4/5ε0] . This enables a study of the diffusion constants of a suspended particle, its effect upon the viscosity of a fluid, and the transition of a liquid into a gel. Experimental data concerning proton magnetic relaxation times of diamagnetic solutions and self‐diffusion of protein and solvent molecules are discussed. The effect of slipping is examined.