Role of plasma proteins in the effect of polybasic polymers on red blood cell charge.

[Canine] erythrocyte electronegativity decreased exponentially with increasing concentrations of polybasic polymers in both plasma-RBC and Ringer-RBC suspensions, their charge being reversed to electropositive only in nonprotein-containing solutions. The degree of polymerization of the polymer did not appear to influence the degree of reduction in red cell charge which it produced in this limited study. The charge on the red cells was considerably less negative in nonprotein-containing solutions than in plasma, -0.7 as compared to -1.3 coul x 10-11. Reduction of the concentration of plasma proteins in the suspending medium from 100 to 0% of control value was accompanied by a progressive decrease of approximately 50% in the negative charge of the red blood cells. This in vitro finding may be related to the occurrence of aggregation in certain pathologic states which are characterized by a reduction in plasma protein concentration.