Zur Genetik des Morbus Crohn: Untersuchung der HLA-Assoziation bei 169 Patienten

Histocompatibility (HLA) antigen phenotypes have been studied in 169 patients with Crohn's disease. The following results could bei shown: HLA-Aw33, -B45 and -Cw3 showed a positive association and HLA-A26, -DR3 and -DRw8 a negative association with Crohn's disease compared to healthy controls. However, when the p-values were corrected by multiplying them by the number of determined antigens per gen-locus, the differences were not significant. Patients with a late onset of the disease (>25 years) showed a statistical significant negative association with HLA-DR3. Numerous studies revealed no significant association between Crohn's disease and HLA-antigens except Smolen et al. (HLA-B12). The significant association of Crohn's disease and HLA-B12 reported by Smolen et al. could be caused by an increased frequency of HLA-B45 as we found in our patients.