Cold-sensitive expression of cytokinin habituation by tobacco pith cells in culture

Cloned, cytokinin-habituated tissues of Nicotiana tobacum L. cv. “Havana 425” are able to grow in culture at 25° C without added cytokinin. These tissues vary in their expression of the habituated phenotype at 16° C. When cytokinin-requiring pith tissues are converted to the habituated state by 35° C treatment, all of the habituated cells are cold sensitive. After several transfers in culture, some of these habituated cells give rise to stable, cold resistant variants. Both phenotypes are inherited by individual cells. Cold sensitive clones at 16° C and non-habituated clones at 16° C as well as 25° C show the same dose response to the cytokinin, kinetin. This suggests that at the physiological level, cold sensitivity results from a decreased production of cell division factors rather than from a decreased affinity of cellular receptors for these factors.