Nursery stock was examined in several nurseries in New Jersey and Maryland in 1944 and 1945 for oriental fruit moth larvae (Grapholitha molesta) in succulent twigs and fruits. Twig-infesting larvae were found in greatest abundance on commercial peach stock. They were also found on ornamental vars. of peach, almond, cherry, and quince. Larvae were reared from the fruits of ornamental crab apple and ornamental quince. Hibernacula were found on commercial peach stock. Moths emerged from hibernacula on peacb stock in a nursery frost-proof storage chamber in New Jersey between Apr. 30 and May 7, 1945. No exptl. evidence was obtained indicating that eggs were placed on peach stock heeled-in out-doors between the time that moths emerge in the spring and May 1. Virgin moths deposited a few eggs but none hatched.