Isolation of Functional Subsets of Human Peripheral Blood Monocytes

Monocytes were isolated by counterflow centrifugation of Ficoll-Hypaque separated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The monocytes formed a bimodal volume distribution of “large” and “small” phagocytic esterase-positive, peroxidase-positive cells with peaks at 470 and 410 µ3, respectively. The large monocytes were predominately Fc receptor positive, and were able to lyse both sensitized human and chicken erythrocyte targets in ADCC assays, whereas the small monocytes were largely FcR negative and were inactive against sensitized human erythrocyte targets. However, ADCC against chicken erythrocyte targets was seen in some fractions containing small monocytes and was probably due to FcR+ lymphocytes (K cells) in those fractions. These experiments establish that monocytes are effectors of ADCC against both human and chicken erythrocyte targets and that the peripheral blood monocyte is heterogeneous in size, function, and surface receptor distribution.