Experimental Construction of a "New" Eustachian Tube

IN THE PAST two decades fascinating breakthroughs have been achieved in otologic surgery. Wullstein introduced tympanoplasties, Lempert described the fenestration operation, Rosen rediscovered the treatment for otosclerosis, and House described highly specialized procedures of the endolymphatic shunt for Ménière's disease and the translabyrinthine approach for acoustic neuromas. Review of the literature clearly indicates that the vitally important drainage conduit from the middle ear remains a surgical enigma. The significance of adequate eustachian tube function for maintaining the health and integrity of the tympanic cleft is evident to all otologists. Without this, the normally occurring secretions in the ear cannot be evacuated and the tympanic cleft cannot be ventilated. In this modern age of aerospace, the patency of this tube becomes of enormous importance, with the varying pressures of outer space and barotitis media. In addition we encounter not infrequently serous otitis media for which repeated myringotomies offer the temporary relief