The Hartree self-consistent field method without exchange is used to calculate atomic wave functions for the 3d74s and 3d8 configurations of atomic iron, as well as for the 3d64s2 configuration previously studied by Manning and Goldberg. Most sensitive to the change in configuration is the 3d electron, whose energy is -0.79, -0.50, and -0.34 ry, respectively, in the 3d64s2, 3d74s, and 3d8 configurations. The fraction of the charge of a 3d electron outside a sphere of radius 2.66a0 is 0.050, 0.095, and 0.160, respectively, for these configurations. The Racah parameters B, C, and G2 are evaluated from the wave functions for all three configurations, and are also found for 3d64s2 and for 3d74s by a least squares fit of the spectroscopically observed terms. The two sets of values for B and C agree within 15%, but the value of G2 calculated from the wave functions exceeds the least squares value by almost 50% in 3d74s. Energies of the 3d74s and 3d8 configurations relative to 3d64s2, calculated from the wave functions, are 0.25 and 0.65 ry, respectively; the corresponding values deduced from the observed spectrum are 0.15 and 0.33 ry.